Product Description

Tips on selecting and keeping your oranges fresh

  • Pick Valencia oranges that are firm and heavy with smooth and finely textured skin
  • Pick Navels that are bright and vibrant in colour and slightly soft to the touch
  • Oranges can be kept at room temperature for 2-3 days and should be refrigerated after
  • Leave green oranges at room temperature 3-4 days during which time the green will subside

VITOR — Australia’s best oranges are now in season and available at a FairPrice supermarket near you!

The two most popular varieties of oranges, Valencia and Navel are staples that Market’s Best supplies to FairPrice supermarkets. Juicy and citrusy Valencias are great juicing oranges, whilst Navels with its characteristic protruding navel is sweet, tangy and just a super eating orange.

Valencia oranges are available from April to October from USA; and August to April from Australia. Navel oranges season starts in December through to July in the USA; and April to November in Australia.

Spanish oranges have also made their way into the supermarkets – with Salustiana and Valencia’s proving popular as juicing oranges, whilst Spanish Mandarins bring back the tangy, citrus aroma and are delightful in their sweet-tangy flavours.